Is it any wonder that foam rolling has little benefit?
I recently read an article that identified that foam rolling has no significant difference, particularly long term. When I take time to...
The efficacy of K-tape
I recently posted on my facebook page about an article I read regarding how good and effective kinesthesiology tape (k-tape) is for...
Pain and muscle imbalance
If you are in pain, the chances are some of your muscles are not working as they should. Be it over working or under working. And this...
Gym technique: Quality, not quantity
As a physiotherapist and a regular gym goer, it is one of my huge "pet peeves" when I see people's techniques when they are performing...
It's called a tendon what?
All too often people begin to feel a pain in some of their tendons, particularly when they increase any exercise levels that they have...
Let's get to the bottom of this!
As a musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapist, barely an assessment goes by whereby I do not assess and treat a patient's gluteal, or your...
Stress and well-being at work
As a musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapist, I am interested to read on more than one occasion, that on top of MSK injuries limiting...