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Injury: It's going to happen! Learn to deal with the inevitable.

Injuries are inevitable! We must take time off! We must accept it. How?

Come up with a contingency plan to stay fit and mentally well and strong!

Of course this is the ultimate dread. We pull up, we try and walk it off for a bit. We try to jog again and we can't, we're injured! It happens to us all, From the novice to the elite of athlete.

First, we have to accept this! I know from personal experience, there is nothing worse than not being able to run. I used to call this non-runner's narkiness! We all go through the same thoughts: "I'll lose all of my fitness if I rest for this long". But return too soon from an injury, and you will make the problem worse in the long run.

What next?

Firstly, don't self-diagnose! We have all joked about it and yet we have all done it. We've all gone onto the internet, searched our systems and in a matter of clicks, we've got some rare form of bone disease and we should've written our will yesterday! This just makes us worried and anxious over what we don't know. Stress and anxiety is proven to heighten how we feel pain! I will blog about this in the near future.

Or, we let people know of our injury via social media platforms and one of our friends who has had every injury known to man tells you what it is and tells you exactly how to cure it. This usually involves something completely inappropriate. And as I have said before, what every injury one person has, may not be the same as you have!

So,get an accurate diagnosis from a physiotherapist, get appropriate advice, appropriate exercises and a good guide to your recovery guide and stick to it!!!!! Once you've kicked the cat, shouted at our loved one, and stomped around for a bit, you realise that this hasn't made the recovery time any less. Getting angry and frustrated doesn't really achieve anything. Just remember: It isn't forever, you will be back!

Take stock

We have to readjust our goals and adjust our training. Yes! That's right, we can still train, just will not be running. Strength training is always a good place to start! Most people get injured because they haven't got the required strength to perform the task they're demanding of their body. This doesn't have to be in the form of a gym! I can demonstrate you numerous exercises you can perform in your living room! Your body's own weight is great resistance work! Keep up the cardio! Running requires increased amounts of high impact work. Cycling, cross training and swimming (but not breaststroke ;) ) do not. By keeping up with your cardio-vascular fitness (except if your injury is cardio-vascular related) by these alternative methods, you will find returning to your baseline running fitness quicker and easier.

Support your running community

Give something back to the running community. Stay in touch with your running friends. Marshal or cheer on at the events your friends are doing. I know first hand, event organisers are always crying out for helpers. Get down to your local parkrun and volunteer, they always need a hand! It is all too easy to run every week but forget that these events wouldn't go ahead, were it not for the support of volunteers. Injuries happen. We wish they didn't. Don't try and take short cuts in your rehabilitation, it will only end up making your recovery longer ultimately. Find an alternative, start strength training, keep strong and don't lose heart. Time is a good healer!

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