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Falls: The number one Ambulance call out! Don't be a statistic!

This may be a surprising fact, but it is a fact. The most common reason for an ambulance call out in 2016 was due to falls! This statistic increases with age. People aged 65 or older have a 15% increase in their risk of falls. Almost 30% of 65 year olds are likely to have a fall! Those who are 75 or older are considered at a very high falls risk! Almost 80% are likely to have a fall

An ambulance is almost likely to take you to A&E. the experience can be daunting. So what is the answer?

In honesty, this is no single answer! That's what makes a falls risk so high! Falls are a multi-factorial risk and this has to be considered. It is not just age related!

Take a look at the images to the left. How many falls risks can you identify? How many falls risks are missing?

Falls can be affected by the following:


underlying medical conditions

cognitive state



bladder control and infection


postural hypotension (left)

muscle strength

home environment (left)

Osteoporosis risk

With the elderly, falls also increases your risk of a hip fracture, particularly the neck of femur. Approximately 12% of fallers will require surgical intervention due to a fractured neck of femur! Sadly, there is up to a 50% mortality rate within 1 year from a fractured neck of femur. Additionally, someone who has fallen once is a greater risk of repeat falling! Prevention is always better than cure! Physiotherapists are key in Falls Prevention and this is something close to my heart. I suffer with balance issues to a congenital condition. My advice, would be to have a multi-factorial falls risk assessment conducted to ascertain your risk of falls and preventative advice and exercises given to reduce your risk of falls! Are you or someone you know at a risk of falls? Please don't leave it until the worst has happened.

Even the cost savings speak for themselves:

A&E attendance: £115

Hospital admission: £1400

Hip fracture surgery: £13,000 With an ever stretched NHS service, let's all take this risk seriously. Be it our own health, our loved ones health and for the value and strain to the NHS.

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