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Katy's story: How running has changed her life!

In the second of our monthly guest bloggers, I introduce Katy Roebuck.

I met Katy professionally approximately 9 months ago and helped her with some of her musculoskeletal issues. Since knowing Katy, she has been diagnosed with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome. Katy is testament that you are able to perform regular exercise with a chronic, inflammatory condition. It is now a pleasure to class Katy as a friend and in my eyes, an ambassador for such a success story of managing a chronic condition through exercise.

Below are Katy's words.... After finishing Park Run one Saturday last May I hurt what I thought was my achilles' tendon. I was unable to walk properly and got used to limping everywhere thinking "how was I going to be able to get round the Lindley 10km course 2 weeks later." Of course I should never has even considered doing it but I was determined, even if I had to walk and promised everyone that I would not be silly.

My general mood was quite low at that time because I had a lot of other issues going on and I suppose not being able to train for the 10km was making me frustrated.

I got round the course but was in agony and decided before I even did it that I would see a physio afterwards to try and get it sorted. I knew if I had gone before that I would have been strongly advised against even thinking about it.

I went to see Mike a few days later and told him what had happened and we began what was to be one of the best things that I have done. He assessed my ankle and leg and it to my relief it wasn’t my achilles' tendon, even though it has been determined that I have tendinopathy in my ankles. It was my calf muscle that was extremely tight.

He began treatment and he advised stretches and gradually the pain eased. There were other areas that Mike had to look at and it felt like we were working up one side of my body, across and back down the other, but after every session I felt a little better, albeit at the time I was in agony due to my body having picked up injuries years ago and me ignoring them.

As time went on my general mood lifted and I felt happier in myself, however the best was yet to come!

My ultimate aim was to be back running Park Run on a Saturday morning, so Mike suggested I join a new course that had started in Greenhead Park called 0 to 5k. I was wary about going because I had already been running Park Run for 18 months and I had two 10ks under my belt but decided to give it a go.

There were different ability groups starting with walking only up to running and each week building up to 5km. I started in the group Mike was leading but found myself wanting to run so the week after I moved up to the run only group. I was near the back but enjoyed the fact that I was able to run again.

Everyone was extremely friendly and encouraging and as the weeks went on I started making new friends. Each week my confidence built and I felt I was in a happy place, my external issues were still ongoing but I was able to deal with things in a more positive light.

(Zero to 5K Hero program. Session 9) By the end of the course I had made what I now consider an extremely close set of friends. In the 9 months I have known these people I have laughed more than I ever had previously and we all have one major thing in common…WE LOVE TO RUN.

We all look forward to running and catching up and even have started going out socially. We have all joined the local running group and a few of us go out on Wednesday nights too. The 0 to 5km program was the best thing I did and I look forward to helping out at the next one!

(Photo by StuNimmo)

Katy showing how much she has started to enjoy her running.

(Huddersfield parkrun - 2nd largest in the Country). I don’t think anyone would have guessed that 3 years ago when I started running that it would become such a big part of my life. I hated running at school and wouldn’t even run for a bus. Running has

given me confidence and whilst I am out it also makes me forget whatever else is happening in my life. I have so much to thank Mike for!!

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