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Setting realistic goals

You want to get fitter? You want to get stronger? You want to complete a race? You want to lose weight? Having a goal is a great motivator for a positive change in your life. So what is the problem? Let's re-word some of those phrases above: I want to double my running distance by the end of March I want to gain 1 stone of muscle in 6 weeks I am going to run the London Marathon next month I want to lose 4 stone for a wedding in July.

What's wrong with all of these?

Are they realistic? NO! There is nothing wrong with wanting to run further, on gaining more muscle bulk, or running a marathon or losing a significant amount of weight. But by setting ourselves unrealistic goals, we are likely to get disheartened, demotivated, give up and get injured!

That's why it is far more achievable to lay pieces down in order to reach your goal. I like to call this activity modification

What do these images represent?

Setting an unrealistic goal is like climbing a mountain

The journey is steep, it's hard and if you haven't completed the appropriate training, you are at risk of falling off the cliff.

This is the disheartened, demotivated, given up and risk of getting injured phase. You fall back to the bottom of the mountain (excusing the analogy of certain death from falling from a mountain!!) You rest and recover and low and behold, you try again. Without the appropriate training and you whilst you may climb higher up the mountain this time, you are still highly likely to fall!

But, if you took the time and walk around the base of the mountain and found the slope that allows you to walk up the hill, you are more likely to reach your summit! It will take longer, it will still take effort but you will be able to gradually see the changes you are making and are more inclined to stick at it. Therefore you are less likely to get disheartened, demotivated, give up or get injured!

When goal setting with my clients, I often use the analogy of stepping stones. Lose a stone in 2 months

Increase muscle bulk by 500g

Increase your running distance by 1 mile a week Run a 10km race as training for a marathon later in the year. These are great stepping stones towards achieving your goals! Physiotherapists are great at goal setting and helping their clients / patients manage their expectations. If we tell you that perhaps losing 4 stone in 3 months is a little unachievable, don't think we're being negative or have no faith in you. It's because we as a profession, know what is achievable within the realms of actual possibility. We want you to succeed, we want you to improve yourself, we are trying to help you over the long term! If you have a goal in mind and would like help, then contact you local, friendly physiotherapist.

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