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Exercise for the Silver Surfers

In the next in the series of our Monthly guest bloggers, I introduce to you Lynne. For those of you who don't know, she is the Mother-in-law! Lynne has completed a half marathon and a regular runner. Whilst limited with bunions at present, she still finds time to exercise into her mid 60's! Below are her words, explaining what exercise means to Lynne. As my youth recedes I need to ensure that my bone structure is maintained in good condition. In order to achieve this I find exercise in varying forms strengthens my bone density. On a personal basis I find yoga after 10 years not only provides suppleness to my body and flexibility along with swimming, walking and running.

(Lynne, Justine, Mike and Dave Clarkson)

As a power walker exercise provides me with endurance and realigns my skeletal frame. There is a danger of people of receding youth spending too much time sitting down, a bi product of which is reduced mobility. By taking preventive action I feel that I have done as much as I can to ensure my quality of life thereby avoiding musculoskeletal injuries. The exercises I undertake suit me personally because they are based on group activities.

(Justine and Lynne on Derwent Water)

The hardest part of exercise is putting your trainers on. Having spent sometime exercising it gives you a feel good factor that you can't buy.

You don't need to spend a fortune on fancy gym membership, use what you have at your disposal which makes it cost effective and simple to use.

(Lynne and Justine ahead of Huddersfield parkrun)

The buzz I get from exercise is difficult to quantify but you do feel fantastic when you have completed a session. Sharing exercise/ running/ walking time with others is fabulous. Conversation with others is pure tonic for swapping ideas and experiences and above all friendship.

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