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Achilles Tendinopathy: Calf problem? Or, weak gluteals!?

Oh heck, not another blog telling us about Achilles Tendinopathy! Or our glutes! But yes, a new study by Habets et al (2017) have identified that mid-portion achilles tendinopathy my now only be a local calf problem, but a deficiency in your gluteals too!

We have blogged previously regarding how tendinopathies occur. Tendinopathies primarily occur through either a compression or tension issue. In other words, the tendon you are suddenly asking to do more, isn't able to without a course of strengthening.

However, the authors report that local strengthening alone has proven ineffective for some. Local strengthening simply means working the local muscles to the problem. Hadets et al (2017) have suggested we look at this as a global problem. Global means, looking at the problem in a bigger picture. The authors acknowledge that the local muscle strength is essential however, poor global strength can effect biomechanics and how the foot lands in running for example, altering how the tissues should work and therefore could be one reason for the cause of tendinopathy. This theory is already well established in the management of knee pain. I have to say a gleamed with joy when I stumbled across this article. Anyone who has been treated by me or indeed runs with me will know just how much a go on about the importance of our gluteal muscles for balance and injury prevention and rehabilitation.

The authors study, albeit of small sample (n=24) identified in a group of male athletes with diagnosed mid-portion achilles tendinopathy had a significantly difference in gluteal strength when compared to those without Achilles Tendinopathy.

Weak gluteals, leads to reduced balance which leads to poor foot positioning in running


Strong gluteals has been shown as a necessity in the kinetic chain. ie: How the muscles work that lead on from them. Good balance and therefore good foot positioning.

If you feel you have a tendinopathy and are worried if you have weak gluteals and would like more advice, please contact us or follow us on

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