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Nordic Hamstring curls: Why might they be ineffective to you!?

Whether you run, play football, rugby, athletics or tennis, for example, lower limb muscle strength is paramount. Hamstring strengthening is no different. For many years now, the Nordic Hamstring Curl has been considered the gold standard of hamstring exercises. However: This exercise, like any exercise, is only effective if it is performed correctly!

Sadly, those who require hamstring strengthening exercises, lack the basic hamstring strength to perform this exercise effectively and correctly. An effective and correctly performed Nordic Hamstring Curl should be performed as below:

Hopefully, these images highlight that whilst someone is needed to secure your ankles, it is biomechanically almost impossible to perform without ankle support, to perform an effective Nordic Hamstring Curl, you need to have a straight back and trunk throughout the full movement ie: all the way until you are laying on the floor. Where people tend to show their hamstring inefficiency is when part way through the exercise, their hamstring reaches fatigue early on in the exercise and we inadvertently compensate with trunk flexion. ie we allow our tummy to bend! Once this happens, the hamstrings are no longer being worked!

Luckily, a local group of researchers at Salford University (Matthews et al, 2017) have identified this problem when trying to rehabilitate soccer players. Soccer players are the most likely of all active sports people to suffer from hamstring related injuries. Matthews et al (2017) stumbled across the Assisted Nordic Hamstring Curls.

By placing resistance band around the participants torso, the assistant to anchors the ankles, also takes the strain of the resistance band and assists the participant in the exercise. By performing this, they identified that the participant was able to perform the entire exercise through full range of motion, leading to greater strength and endurance through full range of the hamstrings. This concept is no different to anyone who goes to the gym and tries to lift the full weight on the resistance machines. By placing the pin on a lower, desired weight, one is able to work on each machine to our maximal desired effect, performing the exercise correctly and effectively. As one improves strength at the gym, we can increase our weight on the resistance machines. As our participant improves with the Assisted Nordic Hamstring Curl, the resistance band can be loosened or removed, gradually increasing strength and endurance in the hamstrings. If you struggle with injuries and believe your hamstrings may be at fault, please contact us for further advice and support. Follow us on for more advice and information.

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